EPC Session + Committees + their Mission …
Year 2025
… from the Elders who together form our Session …. to the Committees + many volunteers who bless us with their gifts and talents …
Our Committees
Because we are all blessed with different gifts and talents, the opportunities for ministry within the church, the community and the world are many. We invite everyone to participate in the work of our church committees as a way of serving God and others and as a means of community and spiritual growth.
Following are the committees set up within the church to help organize people to serve the church and the community.
Christian Education |
Christian education is dedicated to spiritual formation, continuing e ucation, family building and memory making. This committee works with children’s ministries such as Sunday School, Kirk Kids, Nursery, and Vacation Bible School as well as adult education in the form of Sunday School classes, Bible studies, and spiritual formation classes and workshops.
Congregational Care/The Friends Group |
Congregational Care provides countless fellowship opportunities for all members of the church family. They coordinate congregational gatherings and meals, the Friends Group, Kirk Night various themes and dinners, bereavement meals, church picnics, etc.
Finance & Stewardship |
The Finance and Stewardship Committees ensure that we live out our calling to be good stewards of God's gifts in all of life. Stewardship develops a year-round stewardship ministry of membership giving of time, talents, & contributions. Receiving Treasurer - Randy Combs | Disbursing Treasurer - Randy Tulbert
Historical |
The Historical Committee keeps an accurate record of the church's history for future generations and works to ensure that we remain connected to our roots and to those who came before us.
Mission |
The Mission Committee coordinates the outreach of the church and maintains relationships with agencies and groups financially supported by the church. This committee also oversees the church’s current mission focus, provide monthly meal pkg to students, Juneteenth events, The Ark Arts & Chats, Renewing the Commitment to Peace, Blessing Box, Educate a Child/Transform the World, Easter “Egg your House” event, special offerings throughout the year, Seasonal giving trees and more!
Personnel |
The Personnel Committee assists paid staff members in carrying out their ministry to the congregation.
Property |
The Property Committee cares for the building and grounds in sustainable and environmentally responsible ways.
Worship |
The Worship Committee coordinates the regular Sunday worship to ensure that the people of God have a means of giving thanks, remembering their baptismal vows, feasting at the Lord’s supper, and serving God.
Endowment |
The committee provides avenues/ways to make gifts and bequests in a variety of ways.
Nominating |
The committee is charged with making any nominations upon request of the EPC Session.