Our Beliefs
Accepting of Diversity:
There is a sincere spirit of caring that animates this community. There is a humanness” that has little interest in categorizing people by social status or difference. There is a genuine acceptance of diversity and a celebration of our differences.
This congregation honors the questions of faith. There is no “orthodoxy” of right answers imposed on anyone. No one is going to judge you for having the “wrong answer.” We are encouraged to bring our questions, our beliefs even our doubts. As Presbyterians we are challenged to love God not only with our hearts but with our minds as well.
Making a Difference in the World:
We seek to be active in mission to the community and to the larger world, both as a congregation and as individuals. We are currently embracing mission initiatives that involve advocating for peace in a world full of violence, combating hunger and food insecurity in our community, dismantling racism one relationship at a time, and embracing the PCUSA Covenant to Educate a Child, Transform the World.
What do we Believe?
Our Mission: [Who are we? | Why are we here?]
The Elkin Presbyterian Church is a welcoming and dedicated community of faith in the North Carolina foothills. Here you can worship God, be yourself, ask questions on your faith journey, and find new ways to serve and grow in the love of God through Jesus Christ. We are committed to living out Christ’s teachings of peace, love, compassion, and respect for every person in our congregation as well as in the greater community. We do this through worship, faith development, supporting each other, and service to others.
Our Vision: [How do we “live” the mission?]
Whether you are young or old, single or a growing family, we want to share our joy in serving God through unconditional love and affirming fellowship. It is with an open door, open minds and open hearts that we invite you into our church and encourage everyone who seeks a life of meaning and purpose. At Elkin Presbyterian Church, we strive to be a dynamic, Christ-centered church providing a place of worship, learning, spiritual growth and community for all of God’s children, fully engaged in outreach embracing all races, ages, and sexual orientations.
Our Values: [What core principles will guide us in our mission?]
Our values shape who we are as a church and guide us in fulfilling our mission and vision through a deep connection to Christ, the Word of God, and our tradition within the Presbyterian Church USA.
· Continually seeking a deeper understanding of God’s will for us in this world
· Providing a welcome place of worship
· Being an inspirational community of faith
· Fulfilling our call to be Christ-like in our inclusiveness
· Modeling Christ’s love in the world beyond our church building
· Being good stewards of God’s creation